Crossword 1 clues Thumbnail


| 1 |   | 2 |   | 3 +++++ 4 +++++ 5 |   | 6 |   | 7 |
|   +++++   +++++ 8 |   |   +++++   +++++   +++++   |
| 9 |   |   |   |   +++++10 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   +++++   +++++11 |   |   +++++   +++++   +++++   |
|12 |   |   |   |   +++++   +++++13 |14 |   |15 |   |
+++++++++   +++++++++++++   +++++++++   +++++   +++++
|16 |17 |   |18 |   |   +++++19 |   |   |20 |   |   |
+++++   +++++   +++++++++21 +++++++++++++   +++++++++
|22 |   |23 |   |24 +++++   +++++25 |   |   |   |26 |
|   +++++   +++++   +++++27 |   |   +++++   +++++   |
|28 |   |   |   |   |   |   +++++29 |   |   |   |   |
|   +++++   +++++   +++++30 |   |   +++++   +++++   |
|31 |   |   |   |   +++++   +++++32 |   |   |   |   |


1 (5) Status: the french and the spanish with five in the middle.
5 (5) We'd be sunk without them!
8 (3) Task of swamping crown, firestone in mausoleum.
9 (5) A profile of the queen, treasure.
10 (7) Swiss girl produces golden cup.
11 (3) Thus entitled, you have problems spelling.
12 (5) An emotional command, occasioned by mixing slime.
13 (5) Treasure in item from lacquer box? Help yourself!
16 (6) The attic ladder is this, it's stayed muddled.
19 (6) Wishes without regarding searches for glory.
22 (5) Without one, pictures become near-wizzes.
25 (5) A plan for reaching the island.
27 (3) Wiz command to end peace: initially, wizzes are right.
28 (7) King's treasure, a red card.
29 (5) Name of a growing lass found near Il Castellare.
30 (3) The lion's last three points.
31 (5) Where you overlook dwarfs, conceled gem is a revelation.
32 (5) You can go down it, it's mined!


1 (5) They can impede progress, and I hear they go on ahead.
2 (7) Batman, the caped crusader.
3 (5) A starstone is this, the chip evinces it.
4 (6) Description of cottage steps, written on lilac paper.
5 (5) Ring for finger, there's muck here!
6 (5) Fazz, one with strange zeal.
7 (5) Period of magic.
14 (3) French tea, discarded when parsed.
15 (3) It's a sham, it lets you do anything!
17 (3) There's a point in this, in a point earned by everyone.
18 (3) A weapon? Relax, everyone can find it.
20 (7) It's the essence of life, it's a man confused.
21 (6) Its prime purpose is points, but also a hit with the dragon.
22 (5) Decoration for dwarfs? Sounds like will interfere.
23 (5) Stocky, hefty, burly, surly or thickset.
24 (5) Learn your points total. 20?
25 (5) Carry this and [2 down] won't be!
26 (5) Hear this! You're being followed!

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30th September 1998: cross0c.htm