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+++++ 1 +++++++++ 2 |   | 3 |   | 4 |   |   | 5 +++++ 6 +++++
| 7 |   |   |   |   +++++   +++++   +++++++++ 8 |   |   |   |
+++++   +++++++++   +++++   +++++   +++++++++   +++++   +++++
| 9 |   |   |10 +++++11 |   |   |   |12 |   |   +++++   +++++
|   +++++++++   +++++   +++++++++++++   +++++++++13 |   |14 |
|   +++++++++15 |   |   |   |16 |   |   |   |17 +++++++++   |
|18 |   |   |   +++++   +++++   +++++   +++++19 |   |   |   |
|   +++++++++   +++++20 |   |   |   |   +++++   +++++++++   |
|21 |   |   |   +++++   +++++   +++++   +++++22 |   |   |   |
|   +++++++++23 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +++++++++   |
|24 |25 |   +++++++++   +++++++++++++   +++++   +++++++++   |
+++++   +++++ 26|   |   |27 |   |28 |   +++++29 |   |30 |   |
+++++   +++++   +++++++++   +++++   +++++31 +++++++++   +++++
|32 |   |   |   +++++++++   +++++   +++++33 |   |   |   |   |
+++++   +++++34 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +++++++++   +++++


2 (8) A champion with magic.
7 (5) The manuscript kind of specimen.
8 (4) After set, it means kill.
9 (4) It's elegant, white, and it glides.
11 (7) How most people see room descriptions.
13 (3) Shaft smell...
15 (9) Needed at prime time.
18 (4) A kind of wood.
19 (4) Lion rock.
20 (5) What the normal bedroom paraphernalia is all dwarf.
21 (4) A red-eyed treasure.
22 (4) If you tell it, you're told it.
23 (9) It can be used to make rings.
24 (3) The kind of light in the root tunnel.
26 (7) How oriental characters appear.
29 (4) Come back here, after a spell.
32 (4) Something funny at the end of the garden.
33 (5) It's stiffened, and won't move an inch.
34 (8) After SUNT.


1 (4) Birds for keeps.
2 (3) You cross it.
3 (4) Thunderous FOD noise.
4 (4) The cliff has one.
5 (4) One in the eye for the cyclops!
6 (5) Some nut's been hit.
9 (8) What the coronet, the necklace and avenues of trees are.
10 (7) Sad signs in the ruined terrace.
11 (9) It hasn't been used for some time.
12 (9) What there is left of the magazine.
14 (8) It's dated 1814.
16 (5) What the frogspawn does (away).
17 (7) What a happy hedgehog does (off).
25 (5) Elizabethan atmosphere.
26 (4) The seventh seal.
27 (4) It's helmet-shaped, with a foot.
28 (4) This room was once used for a cottage industry.
30 (4) The apple one is taller than the rest.
31 (3) Changed ram?

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30th September 1998: cross4c.htm