hehehe Thumbnail


  • interjection Amusement, as written in conversation. A very old expression, used very little nowadays. It can mean a number of things, from "what I just said wasn't serious" to "what you just said was amusing". If someone told you that a particular player you knew had just scored 60 points, you might say "oh, the same as his IQ, hehehe"; this is an insult, but the hehehe flags the fact that you meant it only in fun and don't really think his IQ is 60... Sometimes, players will use 'hehe' for variety, or mistype as 'eheheh'. You may occasionally see the equivalent bulletin-board flags of '<g>' or '<grin>', but these (like hehehe itself) have fallen out of fashion in the main, supplanted by smilies and game commands (if you can type 'laugh' and your persona laughs, why bother with hehehe?). Compare HAHAHA, see snif.

Copyright © Multi-User Entertainment Ltd. (muse@mud.co.uk)
23rd September 1999: hehehe.htm