real female Thumbnail

real female

  • noun A player who is female in real life. The corresponding term real male seems to be unused. In the UK, the existence of real females is rare to the point of myth. Only by actually seeing the person in question sitting down and playing the game with a style matching what has already been observed over time is it even contemplatable that a player is a real female. Being a real female is not fatal; it's regarded by most players as an interesting quirk, like having red hair or actually being called Conan in real life, and it therefore tends not to make any difference. Unfortunately, though, there are some male players who will attempt to seduce anything they feel is likely to be a real female with a probability exceeding 20%. Then again, such antics are not discouraged by the occasional real female who advertises the fact that she's all woman and attempts to use it to gain friends and influence people. Yes, sadly even MUD is not completely immune to the seepage of sexual politics from real life... See female, male.

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23rd September 1999: real_female.htm