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  • noun The part of a player that is subconsciously manifested in all their personae. Style includes things like preferred abbreviations, favourite activities, spelling/punctuation/grammar, macro mode behaviour, typing speed, patterns of speech - in fact anything that one player does differently to other players. Some heavy snoopers claim they can employ these tell-tale signs in the manner of a fingerprint or signature, to identify a player uniquely even though they may be masquerading as someone/thing else; cunning masqueraders vehemently disagree, pointing out that they keep detailed notes on what their personae are supposed to know, and use different F-key settings and so on in order to be consistent. Since people have made wiz while masquerading as someone else, the weight of evidence would seem to be on their side, although snoopers would almost certainly claim that they "knew really"...

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23rd September 1999: style.htm