T-scaling Thumbnail


  • noun Virtually all treasure has a base value, and a current value that is relative to whoever is valuing it. The current value is determined using a multiplier which is based on the number of other players who aren't invis and their levels relative to your own. This multiplier is applied to the base value to obtain the current value of treasure with respect to you; it (the multiplier) is referred to as the T-scaling. It's a little more complicated than that, in that T-scaling is reported in terms of the minimum value rather than the base value, but the underlying maths is that which has just been outlined. For example, the clasp has a base value of 50 points, yielding a minimum value of 12 points. With T-scaling at 180% it would therefore be worth 1.8*12 = 22 points. It is almost always couched as a percentage. Q: "What was your T-scaling when you did the icons?" A: "Around 150 I think". T-scaling used to be absolute across the game, but now it's relative the term is used less often.

Copyright © Multi-User Entertainment Ltd. (muse@mud.co.uk)
23rd September 1999: t_scaling.htm