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Multi-User Dungeon This Mud created: 5th December 1984 at 19:55:17 Welcome! By what name shall I call you? *AMANDA This persona already exists - what's the password? * Yes! Your last game was today at 15:41:19. Hello again, Amanda the heroine! Narrow road between lands. Someone shouts "no!" A male voice in the distance shouts "oh" *QW Liquidate Amanda the heroine *Leza has just arrived. *Leza has just left. *W W Narrow road. *Road opposite cottage. *S RoS y the arch-wizard tells you "spectacular....come back in" *S S Path. * Hall. The kitchen door is open. Leza is here, carrying nothing *Kitchen. The kitchen door is open. * You cannot go that way! *U U You cannot go that way! * You cannot go that way! *O O Hall. The kitchen door is open. *U U Leza has just arrived. *Halfway up the stairs. *Upstairs landing. * You are forced to q Duration of game = 46 secs. .S ?S? .MUD Multi-User Dungeon This Mud created: 5th December 1984 at 19:55:17 Welcome! By what name shall I call you? *AMANDA This persona already exists - what's the password? * Yes! Your last game was today at 15:54:18. Hello again, Amanda the heroine! Narrow road between lands. *QW Liquify has just arrived. Liquify Amanda the heroine *W W Liquify has just left. *Narrow road. Liquify is here, carrying nothing *W Road oppoSsite cottage. * Beaten trSack. * S West pasture. *River. *B Going North. West pasture. * Roy the arch-wizard tellsN you "no...new personas please, you might get killed and have to start ove" *Beaten track. *Q Duration of game = 44 secs. .MUD Multi-User Dungeon This Mud created: 5th December 1984 at 19:55:17 Welcome! By what name shall I call you? *MENOLYYLY Creating new persona: What sex do you wish to be? *F Female OK Give me a password for this persona of up to 9 letters, please. * Hello, Menolly! Narrow road between lands. You are stood on a narrow road between The Land and whence you came. To the north and south are the small foothills of a pair of majestic mountains, with a large wall running round. To the west the road continues, where in the distance you can see a thatched cottage opposite an ancient cemetery. The way out is to the east, where a shroud of mist covers the secret pass by which you entered The Land. Someone shouts "everyone get in" *BRIEF *W W Narrow road. *Road opposite cottage. *S S Roy the arch-wizard has summoned you magically! Limbo. Liquify is here, carrying brand Roy the arch-wizard is here, carrying nothing * Liquify says "can i keep my brand?" *S You cannot go that way! * You cannot go that way! * Roy the arch-wizard says "ok" * Liquify says "t"a" *WHAT'S UP ? *looRoy thek arch-wiza rd has just disappeared in a puff of smoke. *Limbo. Everything around you is a glowing white, and there are no walls you can focus on. You feel as if you are floating on air. You are. Liquify is here, carrying brand *qw Liquify Roy the arch-wizard Menolly *"What's going on ? *sav Roy ethe arch-wizard has s ummoned you magically! Narrow road between lands. Roy the arch-wizard is here, carrying nothing *save Menolly saved. * Menolly saved. *w w Roy the arch-wizard has just disappeared in a puff of smoke. sup *Road opposite cottage. *s s Someone shouts "come on lets get going" Path. *Hall. The kitchen door is locked shut. *u u Halfway up the stairs. *Upstairs landing. *n g an ll A male voice in the distance shouts "hazels in her own game" Main bedroom. *g all Nothing taken. * s,s,g all Upstairs landing. Large bedroom. A bed with the bedclothes in disarray stands solidly in the centre of the room. Nothing taken. *n Upstairs landing. *gBathroom. There is some medicine here. *g all Medicine taken. * Nothing taken. *e,e,g all w,Upstairs landing. Airing cupboard. A set of rusty keys can be seen here. Key taken. *w,se,g all Upstairs landing. Small bedroom. The cupboard is latched shut. Nothing taken. *o o o Upstairs landing. *Halfway up the stairs. *Hall. The kitchen door is locked shut. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * Someone shouts "wait please..." The Rat has just left. The Rat has just left. The Rat has just left. The Rat has just left. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. *w An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. Liquify is in the room already and it is too small for you both! An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. The Rat has just left. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. * The Rate e has just left. The Rat has just left. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. Lounge. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. A violin bow has been put here. There is a fire burning merrily in the grate, its cheerful glare spreads a delightful air of homeliness. *Study. On the bookcase lies a single tome: "Articles of magic". The bookcase stands flush against the wall. *get all The Rat has just left. The Rat has just left. Libram taken. *e e You cannot go that way! *b Going West. Lounge. A violin bow has been put here. There is a fire burning merrily in the grate, its cheerful glare spreads a delightful air of homeliness. *g alGaladria has just arrived. *l Not during a spectacular! *Galadria has just left. *g all Not during a spectacular! * Someone shouts "go" *g all An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. *g all The rat snarls, baring its yellowed teeth, and when you attempt to pick up the object it intervenes so that you can't. You'll have to wait until it leaves. * The rat snarls, baring its yellowed teeth, and when you attempt to pick up the object it intervenes so that you can't. You'll have to wait until it leaves. * The Rat has just left. * The Rat has just left. * The Rat has just left. *g all Not during a spectacular! *e Study. The bookcase has been shifted aside to allow passage behind it. *s s s The room is too dark to see anything. * The room is too dark to see anything. *Your way is blocked by the Undead. *s The room is too dark to see anything. *s You cannot go that way! *in You cannot go that way! *open door The door won't open. *oull door An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. *oull door I think I can guess what some of that meant, try saying it aogain a differenrt way. * It's all double dutch to me mate! * An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. You are attacked by the Rat! * A distant neighing noise reaches your ears. The vigour of a backhand from the rat sends you spinning. Gritting your teeth you carry on, and charge back into the tussle. Your follow-up lunge sends the rat sideways! *You simply parry a tame whack from the rat. You hit the rat with a furious punch! *You narrowly parry a mis-timed blow from the rat. Your feeble clout is nowhere near the rat. *puYou are grazed by the might of a punch from the rat! With a vast effort you pull through, and press forward into the contest. Your retributive whack sends the rat staggering! *door Your last blow took the life of the rat! You are victorious - this time... Use an axe if you want to break down a door. You don't expect them to be made out of balsa, do you? * Use an axe if you want to break down a door. You don't expect them to be made out of balsa, do you? *i You are currently holding the following: libram key medicine *o o o The room is too dark to see anything. * The room is too dark to see anything. *Study. The bookcase has been shifted aside to allow passage behind it. *in,in,in The room is too dark to see anything. *in in in The room is too dark to see anything. * The room is too dark to see anything. *s You cannot go that way! *open door with key The door won't open. *o o o The room is too dark to see anything. * The room is too dark to see anything. *Study. The bookcase has been shifted aside to allow passage behind it. *s o The room is too dark to see anything. *Study. The bookcase has been shifted aside to allow passage behind it. *w Lounge. There is a fire burning merrily in the grate, its cheerful glare spreads a delightful air of homeliness. *n n You cannot go that way! *w Hall. The kitchen door is locked shut. *open door with keys The door creaks slowly open. *in g allin Kitchen. Some worthless, dirtied groats have been dropped here. The kitchen door is open. *g all Not during a spectacular! * i i You are currently holding the following: libram key medicine *qw Galadria Liquify the warrior Yorkie Menolly *SH What the hell is a spectacular ? * Someone tells you "kill everybosy" *Wish, it wern't a spectacular!! Someone tells you "winner gets the points" *Your spell works, but the power of the magic you have invoked causes you to fall into a deep slumber... *qw You can't wake yourself up yet! *qw You wake up. Your stamina is now 57. Galadria Liquify the warrior Yorkie Menolly * Someone tells you "h?" *n Hall. The kitchen door is open. *n n Path. *e Vegetable garden. *e Gorse. *e Forest near mountains. *e Foothills. There is a small hole in the ground, about 5 inches across. It bends too sharply for you to see anything down it. *s Cave. *s Rapids. *s You are waylaid in a treacherous swamp. *w Dense forest. A deaf, dumsb, blind, lame beggar sits despondently nearby. *skick begger The beggar moans as your foot smashes into his face. *i You are currently holding the following: libram key medicine *kicjjk begger,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pete has been exorcised. The beggar moans as your foot smashes into his face. *, *kick begger kivThe beggar moans as your foot smashes into his face. *vck begger sc The beggar moans as your foot smashes into his face. *sc Score to date: 20 Level of experience: Novice Strength: 60 Stamina: 57 Dexterity: 51 Sex: female Maximum stamina: 59 Weight carried: 3200g (max. weight: 60000g) Objects carried: 3 (max. number: 7) Games played to date: 1 *save Not during a spectacular! *qw qw Galadria Liquify the warrior Yorkie Menolly *Wish \ \, Why the spectacular anyhow? Wan aYour spell works, but the power of the magic you have invoked causes you to fall into a deep slumber... * You can't wake yourself up yet! * You can't wake yourself up yet! *hah\ You wake up. Your stamina is now 58. * Someone tells you "winner gets 10000 points awpparently" *Wish, so? do a QW////.. 3 guesses who it'll be qw You'll have to try something else, I don't understand the first word (which should be an action). *qw Galadria Liquify the warrior Yorkie Menolly *WISH, So? Do a QW, 3 guesses who it'll be Your spell works, but the power of the magic you have invoked causes you to fall into a deep slumber... *qw You can't wake yourself up yet! *qw You are too alert to sleep any more! You wake up. Your stamina is now 59. * The Beggar has just left. *Galadria Liquify the warrior Yorkie Menolly *where yorkoeeoie Your spell didn't work; either try again, get more points, or use the oracle... *where yorkie Your spell didn't work; either try again, get more points, or use the oracle... *o o o Rapids. *East pasture. A sturdy ox lumbers past you nearby. *o Forest near mountains. * Narrow road between lands. There is an unfurled umbrella here. *g all g all Not during a spectacular! *w Narrow road. *w Road opposite cottage. *n n You are lost in a misty graveyard. There is a tomb here; the name inscribed reads, "Polly the Witch". *n You are lost in a misty graveyard. The tombstone of Paula the witch stands here, reading, "Kissing has lots of good points". * You are lost in a misty graveyard. There is a tomb here; the name inscribed reads, "Polly the Witch". *b Going South. Road opposite cottage. *e Narrow road. *n Dense forest. There is a large stick on the ground. *g all Not during a spectacular! *n Dense forest. There is a large stick on the ground. *g all Not during a spectacular! *i An evil black rat bares its razor-sharp incisors at you. * The Rat has just left. *i You are currently holding the following: libram key medicine *n You are currently holding the following: libram key medicine *Forest on steep slope. *n South dale. *w Dangerous cliff. In amongst the trees is an evil-looking dryad, scowling menacingly. *kill dryad *The force of a whack from the dryad sends you backwards. With renewed vigour you pull together, and charge back into the contest. Your terrible retributive thump at the dryad is effortlessly dodged. *The might of a cross by the dryad sends you sprawling. But courageously you bear up, and advance into the affray. Your weak follow-through backhand at the dryad is comfortably shrugged off. *The strength of a blow by the dryad sends you sprawling. Groggily you revitalise, and start into the battle. Your bungled return clout at the dryad is effortlessly dodged. *You are numbed by the weight of a blow from the dryad! However you carry on, and wade into the melee. Your clumsy next whack at the dryad is narrowly shrugged off. *You narrowly avoid a mis-timed blow by the dryad. Your puny thump is way off the dryad. *You comfortably evade a mis-timed cross from the dryad. You smite the dryad with a mighty forehand! *You narrowly evade a puny thrust by the dryad. You strike out at the dryad with a mighty backhand! *The fierceness of a blow by the dryad sends you flying. Yet you bear up, and advance into the melee. Your next cross sends the dryad flying! *The strength of a lunge by the dryad sends you reeling. With tremendous willpower you pull through, and press forward into the battle. Your retaliatory thump sends the dryad reeling! *You comfortably evade a dreadful backhand from the dryad. You bash the dryad with a severe thump! *You are winded by the might of a whack from the dryad! Gritting your teeth you pull through, and hurtle into the melee. Your next cross sends the dryad to the ground! *The energy of a clout from the dryad sends you sideways. But you recover, and hurl yourself into the engagement. Your follow-up clout sends the dryad backwards! *The might of a whack by the dryad sends you spinning. But courageously you recover, and press forward into the slaughter. Your weak return backhand at the dryad is comfortably shrugged off. *The furiosity of a lunge by the dryad sends you sideways. You can sense your life force slipping away... Duration of game = 11 mins 40 secs. You scored 20 points this session before you died. Not updating persona. |
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