Secure Email Hat

I get over a thousand pieces of spam a day. Consequently, I have to use anti-spam software to delete most of it automatically. Sometimes, though, it deletes messages that I really do need to see. If you suspect that your email may not have reached me, use the following email address and it will bypass the anti-spam filters. Note that this is subject to change: as soon as I receive one piece of spam on it, I'll switch it to something else. Do not, therefore, add it to your contacts list or you may find that rather being guaranteed delivery it's guaranteed non-delivery.

ST   UV WX       YZ  AB   CD EF GH
IJ      KL       MN  OP      QRS
TUVWXY  ZA       BC  DE      FGHI
 JKLMNO PQ       RS  TU      VWXY
     ZA BC       DE  FG      HI JK
LM   NO PQ       RS  TU   VW XY  ZA

You need to add to that.

Copyright © Richard A. Bartle (
4th April :\webdes~1\ email.htm