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Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game
P. David Lebling Is magic real? Do swords glow if the enemy is nearby? In the demonic world of Zork, a simulated universe entices the player into a new form of problem solving.
[Side panel]
Welcome to Zork. Beyond this nondescript kitchen, above and below the surface of the earth, lie scores of rooms, some containing traps, some containing puzzles. Hundreds of objects are scattered throughout this maze, some valuuble treasures, some magical tools. The little white house in the forest clearing is the entrance to Zork, a game developed by the authors. Zork is one example of a new type of game: the Computerized Fantasy Simulation game. In this type of game, the player interacts conversationally with an omniscient "Master of the Dungeon," who rules on each proposed action and relates the consequences. If the player says "Go north," he may move north, or the dungeon master may say "There is no way to go in that direction." lf the player says "Open the window," the dungeon master may respond "The window is locked." The results depend on the design of the game, its architecture and furnishings, so to speak: in one game picking a sword might be fatal, in another it might confer magical powers. The design and implementation of such games is as much an exercise in creative writing as in programming. The interest in playing Zork (or any other CFS game) is twofold. First, the object of the game is usually to collect treasure, and this may be done only by solving problems; in the above example, the player would garner 10 points by being clever enough to open the window and enter the house. (Zork itself has more than two dozen distinct problems to solve, some presented in several stages.) Second, a great deal of the enjoyment of such games is derived by probing their responses in a sort of informal Turing test: "I wonder what it will say if I do this?" The players and designers delight in clever (or unexpected) responses to otherwise useless actions.
Overview: simulating the universeThe heart of any CFS game is its ability to mimic omniscience. By this we mean that the game should simulate the real world sufficiently well so that the player is able to spend most of his time solving the problems rather than solving the program. If, for example, the vocabulary is too small, the player must always wonder if his problem is only that he hasn't yet found the right word to use. Similarly, it is annoying for a possible solution to a problem to be ignored by the game. In other words, the program must simulate the real world. Obviously, no small computer program can encompass the entire universe. What it can do, however, is simulate enough of the universe to appear to be more intelligent than it really is. This is a successful strategy only because CFS games are goal-directed. As a consequence, most players try to do only a small subset of the things they might choose to do with an object if they really had one in their possession. Zork "simulates the universe" in an environment containing 191 different "rooms" (places to be) and 211 "objects." The vocabulary includes 908 words, of which 71 are distinct "actions" it handles. By con- trast, a person's conversational vocabulary is a factor of two (or more) larger. How then does a limited program make a creditable showing in the conversational interaction that characterizes Zork? The technique Zork uses for simulating the universe is that of universal methods modified for particular situations. For example, when a player tries to take some object, he expects to end up carrying it. There are, as in the real world, exceptions- some objects are "nailed down," and one's carrying capacity is limited. These restrictions are included in the general TAKE function. However, the designer might want a special action in addition to, or instead of, the general TAKE: a knife might give off a blinding light when taken; an attempt to take anything in a temple might be fatal. These exceptions would not appear in the general TAKE function, but in functions associated with the knife and the temple. The details of this method of exceptions will be taken up later. The effect of it is that "the expected thing" usually happens when the player tries to (for example) take something. If the object he is trying to take is not special, and the situation is not special, then "it works," and he gets the object. In Zork, there are quite a few of these basic verbs. They include "take," "drop," "throw," "attack," "burn," "break," and others. These basic verbs are set up to do reasonable things to everv object the player will encounter in the game. In many cases, objects have properties indicating that a certain verb is meaningful when applied to them (weapons have a "weapon" property, for example, that is checked by the verb "attack"). Applying a verb to an object lacking the necessary property often results in a sarcastic retort ("Attacking a troll with a newspaper is foolhardy."), but the point is that it does something meaningful, something the player might have expected. Another way in which the game tries to be real is by the judicious use of assumptions in the dungeon master's command parser. Suppose the player says "Attack." Assuming that he has a weapon and there is an enemy to attack, this should work, and it does. Assumptions are implemented by the existence of verb frames (stereotypes) and memory in the parser. In the example, the parser picks up the verb frames for the verb "attack." They indicate that "Attack 'villain' with 'weapon'" is the expected form of the phrase. Now, "villain" means another denizen of the dungeon, so the parser looks for one that is presently accessible, a "villain" in the same room as the player. Similarly, the player must have a "weapon" in his possession. Assuming only one "villain" is in the room and the player has only one "weapon," they are placed in the empty slots of the frame and the fight is on. Suppose that there is only one villain available, the troll, but the player has two weapons: a knife and sword. In that case, the dungeon master can't decide for him which to use, so it gives up, saying "Attack troll with what?" However, it remembers the last input, as augmented by the defaults ("Attack troll"). Thus, if the user replies "With sword," or even "Sword," it is merged with the leftover input and again the fight is on. This memory can last for several turns: for example, "Attack": "Attack troll with what?"; "With knife"; "Which knife?"; "Rusty knife"; and so on.
Data structure and control structureThe underlying structure of Zork consists of the data base (known as "the dungeon") and the control structure. The data base is a richly inlerconnected pointer structure joining instances of four major data types: "rooms," locations in the dungeon; "objects," things that may be referenced; "actions," verbs and their frame structures: and "actors," agents of action. Each instance of these data types may contain a function which is the specializing element of that instance. The control structure of Zork is, at one level, a specification of which of these functions is allowed to process an input sentence and in what order. In the simplest sense, Zork runs in a loop in which three different operations are performed: command input and parsing, command execution, and background processing. (Figure 1 is a flowchart of the Zork program.) The command input phase of the loop is relatively straightfotward. It is intended to let the user type in his command, edit it if he needs to, and terminate it with a carriage return.
The purpose of the Zork parser is to reduce the user's input specification (command) to a small structure containing an "action" and up to two "objects" where necessary. The parser begins by verifying that all the words in the input sentence are in its vocabulary. Then, it must determine which action and objects, if any, were specified. For an object to be referenced in a sentence, it must be "available" - that is, it must be in the player's possession, in the room the player is in, or within an object that is itself available. Objects not meeting these criteria may still be referenced if they are "global objects," which are of two types: those that are always available (such as parts of the player's body), and those that are available in a restricted set of rooms (such as a forest or a house). Adjectives supplied with the sentence are used to disambiguate objects of the same generic type (such as knives and buttons) but are otherwise ignored. If an object remains ambiguous, the parser asks which of the ambiguous objects was meant (for example, "Which button should I push?"). Next is syntax checking, whereby the correct "action" is used for any verb. Syntax checking makes use of any supplied prepositions, differentiating between, for example, "look at" and "look under," which imply different actions. Finally, having determined the appropriate syntax for a given sentence, the parser ensures that all required objects for a given action were specified. The parser may, for example, decide that the correct syntax for the sentence "Give X" is "Give X to Y." An attempt is then made to supply an appropriate "Y" to complete the sentence. This is made possible by the definitions of the sctions themselves, which include the attributes of the objects to be acted upon. In the present example, the action for "Give" defines the indirect object ("Y") to be another denizen of the dungeon; the parser attempts to comply by seeing if one is available. If so, the indirect object is found, and the parse is successful. If not, the player is asked to supply the indirect object himself. ("Give X to whom?") Once this phase is completed, the parse is finished and the parser's output is returned.
The adjectives and prepositions that were in the
user's input are used only to determine the "action"
and the "objects," and are not part of the parser's
output. In addition, all articles are ignored, though
users may add them to increase the clarity (to themselves)
of what they input. For example, an input of
"Knock down the thief with the rusty knife" reduces
to something like
Zork internalsThe following are some examples of Zork internals. Comments (as in the MDL language) are strings followed by a semicolon. Thus ;"I am a comment."
;"Synonyms for READ:"
;"READER is the general reading function:"
;"An object: A stack of Zorkmid bills (Zorkmids are the currence of Zork"
;"The object function for the Zorkmid bills. It is there mostly to make a few sarcastic comments."
;"A room: the vault in which the Zorkmids are found"
<ROOM "BKVAU" ;"The internal name of the room." Once parsing has been completed, processing of the command is started. The functional element (if any) of each of the objects in the parsed input may be invoked. Additionally, some objects not specifically referenced, but which define the situation, are part of the processing sequence. The order in which these functions are invoked is determined by a strategy of allowing the exceptions an opportunity to hindle the input before performing the action associated with the most general case. The processing order is as follows:
Each of these functions is invoked in turn and given the option of handling the command. If it decides to handle the command, processing terminates at that point, and the remaining functions are not invoked. Otherwise, the sequence continues. Note that a function may do something (such as print out a message) without completely handling the input. The invocation of an object's function is under the control of the verb; it may, after suitable checks, determine that the player's request is not reasonable ("Your load is too heavy. You will have to leave something behind.") This limits flexibility slightly, but it has the advantage that it localizes the tests for a reasonable state. Presumably, one of the functions will handle the command a print an appropriate response. Should that not happen, the response "Nothing happens" is printed by default. However, care has been taken to ensure that most input commands produce some reasonable response. Indeed, much of the enjoyment of the game is in being allowed to try ridiculous things, and then the surprise of having the game understand them. The functions described so far are invoked in direct response to what the user typed. Background processes, or "demons," are invoked after each input, regardless of its nature. They allow the program to do things independently of the player's actions. Currently, there are four demons. The first is the "fighting" demon. The residents of the dungeon are frequently hostile; this demon allows them to assault the player unprovoked, and to keep fighting him even if he ignores them. Next is the driving process behind the "thief," described as a "seedy looking gentleman carrying a large bag." The thief's purpose is to make life difficult for the player by absconding with treasures or other randomly selected objects. In many ways he acts like another, rather hostile and powerful, player in the dungeon. The third demon is used to warn the player of the presence of hostile forces by causing his sword (if he has it) to glow if there are enemies nearby. It looks at the player's vicinity and prints an appropriate message if the "state of alert" changes; since the thief moves on his own, it is not sufficient to look for hostiles when the player moves. Last is the "clock" demon. It is the mechanism by which the concept of future time is introduced into the game; arbitrary events can be scheduled for arbitrary future times. For example, the lamp can burn out after being on for some number of moves, and wounds inflicted in a fight will eventually heal. Out of consideration for poor typists, the clock does not tick after unparsable input.
Examples from Zork
A demonstration of vehicles, specifically the magic boat (various ridiculous things are attempted).
>LOOK Playing with fire, attempting to burn the painting (in the end, the careless adventurer gets his just deserts):
>INVENTORY Demonstration of the parser, and a number of its features, including the remembering of previous inputs and the use of ALL and ALL EXCEPT:
>WEST The robber, demonstrating his sadistic streak:
You are in a tiny cave with entrances west and
north, and a dark, forbidding staircase leading
down. A not atypical run-in and battle with the troll (unfortunately, this one results in the death of the adventurer):
>EAST A demonstration of the Clock Demon, with the Gnome of Zurich appearing a specified number of moves following entrapment in the Small Room:
Small Room
The history of ZorkThe existence of Zork is a direct consequence of the existence of two excellent games: Dungeons and Dragons, a fantasy simulation game (not computer based) invented by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax, and Adventure, a computerized fantasy simulation game originally written by Wil Crowther and later extensively expanded by Don Woods. Adventure itself was inspired by D&D (as it is familiarly known), in particular a D&D variation then being played out at Bolt-Beranek and Newman, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, computer firm. It eventually was released to the public, and it became one of the most popular computer games in recent memory. One laboratory that acquired a copy of Adventure was MlT's Laboratory for Computer Science, with which the designers of Zork (the authors and Bruce K. Daniels) were all then affiliated. In the process of "solving" Adventure, however, the game's deficiencies and the competitive spirit that often animated computer researchers kindled the desire of the authors to write a successor game. Our natural choice of language was MDL, which is one of the languages in use at LCS. MDL recommended itself for other reasons, however. It is a descendent of LISP and is functionally extensible. It also permits user-defined data types, which is important in a game of "rooms," "objects," "verbs," and "actors." Finally, MDL makes it easy to imbed implicit functional invocations in data structures to tailor the game as described above. The initial version of the game was designed and implemented in about two weeks. The first version of Zork appeared in June 1977. Interestingly enough, it was never "announced" or "installed" for use, and the name was chosen because it was a widely used nonsense word, like "foobar." The original version of the game was much smaller both geographically and in its capabilities. Various new sections have prompted corresponding expansions in the amount of the universe simulated. For example, the need to navigate a newly added river prompted the invention of vehicles (specifically, the boat). Similarly, the addition of a robot prompted the invention of other actors than the player himself: beings that could affect their surroundings, and so on. Fighting was added to provide a little more randomness in a fairly deterministic game.
The future of computer fantasy simulation gamesZork itself has nearly reached the practical limit of size imposed by MDL and the PDP-lO's address space. Thus the game is unlikely to expand (much?) further. However, the substrate of the game (the data types, parser, and basic verbs) is sufficiently independent that it would not be too difficult to use it as the basis for a CFS language. There are several ways in which future computerized fantasy simulation games could evolve. The most obvious is just to write new puzzles in the same substrate as the old games. Some of the additions to Zork were exactly this, in that they required little or no expansion of the simulation universe. A sufficiently imaginative person or persons could probably do this indefinitely. Another sirnilar direction would be to change the milieu of the game. Zork, Adventure, and Haunt (the CFS games known to the authors) all flow back to D&D and the literary tradition of fantasy exemplified by J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert E. Howard, and Fritz Leiber. There are, however, other milieus; science fiction is one that comes to mind quickly, but there are undoubtedly others. A slightly different approach to the future would be to expand the simulation universe portrayed in the game. For example, in Zork the concept of "wearing something" is absent: with it there could be magic rings, helmets, boots, etc. Additionally, the player's body itself might be added. For example, a player could be wounded in his sword arm, reducing his fighting effectiveness, or in his leg, reducing his ability to travel. The preceding are essentially trivial expansions to the game. A more interesting one might be the introduction of magic spells. To give some idea of the kinds of problems new concepts introduce to the game, consider this brief summary of problems that would have to be faced: If magic exists, how do players learn spells? How are they invoked? Do they come in different strengths? If so, how does a player qualify for a stronger version of a spell than he has? What will spells be used for (are they like the magic words in Adventure, for example)? How does a player retain his magic abilities over several sessions of a game? As can be seen, what at first seems to be a fairly straightforward addition to a game that already has magical elements raises many questions. One of the lessons learned from Zork, in fact, is one that should be well known to all in the computing field: "There is no such thing as a small change!" A still more ambitious direction for future CFS games is that of multiple-player games. The simplest possible such game introduces major problems, even ignorng the mechanism used to accomplish communication or sharing. For examlple, there are impressive problems related to the various aspects of simultanity and synchonization. How do players communicate with each other? How do they co-ordinate actions, such as attacking some enemy in concert? Putting aside implementation problems, a multiple-player game would need to have (we believe) fundamentally different types of problems to be interesting. If the game were cooperative (as are most D&D scenarios) then problems requiring several players' aid in solving them would need to be devised. If the game were competitive and like the current Zork, the first player to acquire the (only) correct tool for a job would have an enormous advantage, to give just one example. Other issues are raised by the statistic that the average player takes weeks and many distinct sessions to finish the game; what happens to him during the time he is not playing and others are? We believe there is a great future for this type of game, both for the players and for the implementers and designers of more complex, more sophisticated, and - in short - more real simulation games.
Zork distributionZork is available from two sources. The most up-to-date version is available from P. David Lebling, Room 205, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 01239. This version is compatible with the ITs, Tenex, and Tops-20 operating systems for the Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-10. To obtain this version, you must enclose a magnetic tape and return postage. Another version, translated from MDL into Fortran, is available through DECUS, (the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society), One Iron Way, Marlboro, MA 01752. This version is compatible with PDP-11 and VAX operating systems.
BibliographyS. W. Galley and Greg Pfister, MDL Primer and Manual, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 1977. P. David Lebling, The MDS Programming Environment, MIT laboratory for Computer Science, 1979. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, "Dungeons and Dragons," TSR Hobbies, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wisc. P. David Lebling is a staff member of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, where he works on data-intensive planning systems and computer messaging systems. He was previously involved in Morse code transcription and understanding system. He holds SB and SM degrees in political science from MIT. Marc S. Blank is a medical student at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; he expects to graduate in June. He is employed from time to time as a consultant at the MlT Laboratory for Computer Science, where he works on MDL data bases and system maintenance. A graduate of MIT with a BS in biology, he is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Lambda Upsilon. Timothy A. Anderson is a member of the research staff at Computer Corporation of America, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he works on the distributed data base system SDD-1. As a graduate student at MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Anderson was involved in research on Morse code understanding. He is a member of ACM, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, and Eta Kappa Nu, and holds SB and SM degrees in computer science from MIT. |
21st January 1999: zork.htm |