- noun A special wiz with power over the others. Sometimes
spelled archwiz, or abbreviated to arch. Arch-wizzes rarely
flex their muscles, and are only present because if there
weren't any, they would be needed... It is impossible to
work up an arch-wiz, since they are appointed directly by the
game management (indeed, the
game management generally consists of
all of the arch-wizzes!). Arch-wizzes are, of course, wizzes,
and therefore are normally included when the term wiz is used,
except for when the context indicates otherwise. "All wizzes
can FOD mortals, but only arch-wizzes can FOD wizzes, and
wizzes can't FOD arch-wizzes". Sometimes, the arch-wizzes is
used to mean all the holders of this rank: "You can try it, but
the arch-wizzes will stomp on you". See ur-wiz.