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#: 170732 S10/BL Wizzes & Witches 14-Apr-88 15:38:50 Sb: #170593-#BL's Future? Fm: richard 76703,3042 To: Merlin 74620,610
Hmm, perhaps it's time I made an appearance in this argument...
The scenario you have described is completely possible. As I've said right
from the beginning, it is the wizzes who rule BL, and who stamp their
personalities on it, and breathe life into it. The atmosphere in the game at
any one period in time is directly attributable to the wizzes who are active
around that time. A game can be peaceful one time, and 6 months later it can
be all hack & slay. Likewise, what mortals can get away with one day may be
more than they could do the next year. The same even applies to what wizzes do
- one year it may be OK for wizzes to go around dropping zombies on mortals,
but wait awhile and peer pressure outlaws the practice. I've been managing MUD
for long enough to see these patterns emerging, and I could probably get a PhD
in sociology for it if I wrote it all up!
Now the reason the frightening scenario you have described is unlikely to
arise is because enough wizzes don't like the idea (I hope!). Arch-wizzes
wouldn't stop it unless it drastically affected the number of people who were
playing (assuming it had a negative effect). Likewise, we wouldn't, indeed
didn't, intervene when wizzes were dishing out T to anyone who wanted it when
BL first started up here.
Now it may seem to you that what UTHER did was a step down the road to 1989,
his vision of a BL that was hell may be one where wizzes had no teeth and
mortals ran the game, and his action was to try and stem the tide in that
direction. I don't know. I don't even care too much, since he did agree to
restore STRANGER.
There are elements of this specific case which are dubious, for example I'd
have forgiven STRANGER for his action because it was obviously (from the
description) heat of the moment and he forgot where he was. I wasn't there, of
course, if I had have been I may have thought differently. Anyway, the point
you are making goes deeper than this, so I won't look at the specifics of the
When something happens which causes a divergence of opinion between wizzes as
to whether it is a "good thing" or not, then it is time for a debate. That is
what we're seeing now in SS10, and when a consensus is reached we can then
react accordingly in the future. Since wizzes are split 50/50 on what UTHER
did, he can hardly be said to have carried out some action which he knew would
provoke the other wizzes, however he must have known there'd be an argument
about the morality afterwards which would have implications on similar actions
in future. OK, well, we're having that discussion now. It may be it remains
unresolved and we have to see what happens in a few more cases before we
decide what to do. In MUD at the moment, it would have been allowed to do what
UTHER did, but there would have been a "freeze or I'll FOD" message just
beforehand to ensure the victim had a chance to defend his action. I can think
of at least one other time when players were FODded just because the wiz
didn't like their name, and another time when all wizzes on at the time had to
agree to a FOD before it occurred. It depends on who the wizzes are at the
The maxim is: act now, argue later (ie. "publish and be damned"). If you think
you can defend your actions, OK, do them. If the wizzes decided that FODding
for WHering at START was something not to be done, OK, well next time UTHER
did it he'd be asked to undo it, and if not then the archwizzes would
overrule him publicly. We'd only undo it now if we felt that he had
knowingly overstepped his authority and refused to accept it, which clearly he
did not do. So the debate continues.
However, the important thing is that this is a wiz-only activity. Mortals
should NOT be involved. It's OK to say to STRANGER something like "well, I
think you were badly done to, but only UTHER can restoire you" as many wizzes
have done, but it is NOT OK to say "I think UTHER is completely wrong on this
and you should be restored straight away to full points". It is asking for
trouble to go ahead an restore him yourself. The GWG says a lot about how wizzes should not undo each others' actions. It also says that arch-wizzes will back up wizzes whatever they do, so long as it wasn't deliberately to wreck the game. It does not mention whether wizzes should back each other up. OK, so here's the policy on that:
Wizzes should be aware of each others' right to do as they please, within
reason. They should not undo anything another wiz has done (already in GWG),
(UNLESS THAT OTHER WIZ AGREES). Hence, saying you think what happened to
STRANGER was tough on him is OK - it was meant to be tough! Saying you
wouldn't have done it yourself is OK to. Saying that UTHER shouldn't have done
it is divisive, and is not to be done, unless UTHER himself has expressed his
regret and doesn't mind STRANGER knowing.
Phew! That's the end! I would apologise for making this sound like a sermon (as SUSAN did for her message), but since I want this to sound like a sermon, I won't! Sometimes, on key points, a lecture is the only way to get over the information! Thanks for staying with me. I'll read the 48 replies when I next log in...
Richard ----* |
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