genie Thumbnail


  1. noun A class of mobile, the members of which exist solely to relocate specific objects during a reset. In particular, they will redistribute parachutes, boats, keys, trinkets and certain pieces of paper - in other words, objects which could lock out whole areas if they were deliberately disposed of early on. Relocation will be to a safe forest, and only takes place if the candidate object is reasonably out of play (eg. alone in a room or swamped). Glimpses of genies are rare, but not impossible (a sign of good luck!): you may sometimes see one appear in your room to drop off some object before disappearing to do the next one on its list.
  2. noun Another name for Kesmai MUD, because GEnie was where most of its players came from. If only they'd deigned to take the game a few years earlier when the opportunity first arose (sigh).

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23rd September 1999: genie.htm