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Zork and the Future of Computerized Fantasy Simulations
P David Lebling CFS (computerized fantasy simulation) games are a new art form: the computerized storybook. Instead of reading the story, you play it. The author presents the story, but only as you squeeze it out of him by wit and brute force. It's up to you to figure out what's going on and the satisfaction of doing so depends on how well thought out the story is. To be fun to play, the story must be more or less consistent and complete. To a large extent, this means that the program that embodies the story must simulate the universe well. I have been involved for several years with Zork, one of the larger and (I would like to think) better worked out CFS games. The authors (Marc Blank, Tim Anderson Bruce Daniels, and I) have spent a lot of time trying to make the universe of Zork as consistent and complete as possible within the bounds of the space available. The first version of Zork was written for the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-10; it eventually grew to strain even the megabyte address space of that machine. The game was completely rewritten for microcomputers and is now limited primarily by the size of a 5-inch floppy disk. Zork games swap data (programs and text) into memory from the disk as needed and therefore aren't limited by the size of the system's user memory. Standard 5-inch floppy disks store about 100 K bytes (some store more, some less). This works out to about 10,000 words of English prose and a similar amount (about 40 K bytes) of code. This is large for a microcomputer-based program, but as literature it's still only at the short story length.
[Panel] If you are interested in playing Zork: The Great Underground Empire, Part I, the game is distributed by Personal Software, 1330 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale CA 94086 on foppy disk for Apple II and TRS-80 computers. Zork games are produced by Infocom Inc, POB 120, Kendall Sta, Cambridge MA 02142. Zork is a trademark of Infocom Inc.
Zork is shrunk to fit into the micro-world by running on a Zork-language virtual machine. This means that the code that is running while you are playing Zork is much more compact than the same program would be if written in machine language (on a Radio Shack TRS-80, for example). This is because the instruction set of the virtual machine is tailored to CFS games. For example, the Zork-language instruction to move an object from one room to another takes just 3 bytes of storage. The other advantage is that the Zork code is machine independent; all it takes to move Zork to another machine is to write the Zork-language interpreter for that machine. Such interpreters currently exist for the Apple II, PDP-11, PDP-10 and the TRS-80. For more details about the Zork-language see "How to Fit a Large Program into a Small Machine," by Marc S Blank and S W Galley, July 1980, Creative Computing. Even using a disk to store parts of the game, the PDP-10 Zork was still too large for the micro-world. As a result, we split it into two smaller, independent games: The Great Underground Empire, Part I, and The Great Underground Empire, Part II, each of which is a self-contained program. There was room left over, so we added some new problems to round things out. Still, a lot of universe can fit into a microcomputer and disk. Zork "understands" a useful subset of English (mostly imperative sentences), including sentences as complex as "Put all of the books but the green one under the rug." The Zork vocabulary is over 600 words and in- cludes 100 verbs. A parser this powerful is a good-news/bad-news proposition. On the one hand, such a parser makes possible the implementation of subtle and realistic problems. When the most complicated sentence you can understand is "Drop uranium," you are limited to producing certain types of situations. If you can say "Tell the Robot 'Put the uranium in the lead box'," then the game can become more interesting. Zork has a fairly complicated parser for imperative sentences. It endeavors to reduce its input to a construction of: <verb> <direct object> <indirect object> where the objects are optional. Prepositions are folded into the verb, which allows Zork to differentiate >PUT BOMB UNDER TROPHY CASE from >PUT BOMB IN TROPHY CASE (Lines beginning with > are the player's input.) Similarly, adjectives are used to distinguish among several books, doors, or any collection of like objects. In conjunction with all and but, adjectives provide powerful constructs:
>TAKE ALL THE TREASURES The parser also allows the player to be laconic, if he so desires. If only one object in the vicinity fits the verb he uses, it will be selected and the player will be informed:
A menacing troll brandishing a bloody axe blocks all
passages out of the room. If the meaning is not obvious, the player is asked to clarify, and the new input is added to the old to produce a complete sentence. This can go on indefinitely:
>OPEN For more details on the Zork parser and internal structure, see "Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game," by P David Lebling, Marc S Blank, and Timothy A Anderson, in IEEE Computer, April, 1979. On the negative side, having a clever parser means that the player may expect almost any concept to be understood. Unfortunately, only a small number of concepts can be implemented given the available space. Some concepts that Zork does implement are:
Every object in Zork has a pointer to its location (which may be "nowhere"), which is its parent; a pointer to the next object in the same location which is its sibling; and a pointer to its first contents which is its first child. Thus, a container points to its contents, and the contents point back to it. One result of this implementation is that an object can be in only one place at one time. Things like water, which can potentially be infinitely finely divided, are difficult to implement in Zork for this reason. Consequently Zork has two "water" objects: one for water in general (flowing in streams, filling reservoirs, leaking from pipes) and one for water in the player's possession (in a bottle, for example). In handling water, the general sort always eventually ends up as the specific sort, and exceptions aren't tolerated:
>FILL BOTTLE WITH WATER Another aspect of containment involves problems of weight and capacity. The weight of an object must always be the sum of its own weight and the weight of its contents. Naturally, each of the contained objects has its weight calculated the same way. On the other hand, the volume of an object is filled only by the size of the objects directly in it.
LOOK Of course, containers have other properties. They can be open or closed, opaque or transparent, locked or unlocked.
>INVENTORY The concept of a surface is implemented as a special kind of containment. Objects which have surfaces on which other objects may sit are actually containers with an additional property of "surfaceness." Vehicles are an even more specialized case of containers. A vehicle has a property called the action property that is allowed a chance to give special handling to any input of the player. For example, a spaceship vehicle might want to restrict the player's movement during the acceleration phase of a flight or prevent him from taking objects that are outside the ship Possibly the most useful concept in Zork is that of time. An arbitrary event may be scheduled to occur at an arbitrary time in the future: for example, the discharging of the batteries in a lantern is controlled in this way. Introducing time also introduces some problems. If an event is scheduled, the circumstances under which it is valid must be coded into it. Otherwise, the behavior of the game can appear nonsensical. Suppose the player lights the fuse on some dynamite. If he sticks around, he will be blown to smithereens. He runs away, only to find that the dynamite has apparently followed him. He still gets blown up because, when the explosion happens, the program doesn't check to see if he is still there. One method of dealing with players who are "killed" in Zork is to resurrect them in a forest. In an early version of Zork, it was possible to be killed by the collapse of an unstable room. Due to carelessness with scheduling such a collapse, 50,000 pounds of rock might fall on your head during a stroll down a forest path. Meteors, no doubt. In an effort to introduce a little more randomness into what was at one time a deterministic game, we added fighting. The player was allowed to attack any of the monsters or other characters he encountered during his travels. The scheme we implemented is conceptually simple. There is a range of possible outcomes for any attack, either by the player on a villain or vice versa. You can be killed outright, knocked unconscious, wounded, wounded seriously, staggered, or you can have your weapon knocked from your hand. The villain, each time it is his turn to riposte, has the option of parrying or turning and running (if he is not limited to one room, as the troll is). Some weapons are better against certain opponents than others. The relative strengths of player and opponent figure into the outcome as well (the player's strength is a function of health and progress in the game). The results are a selection of appropriate messages describing the fight as it progresses.
>KILL THIEF WITH SWORD Well, he may live to fight another day, but you recovered some of his booty. Fighting in Zork is pretty primitive when compared to real life or even to a "melee" in the popular game Dungeons and Dragons. You could make combat more elaborate, and in fact there are CFS games that have gone in that direction, producing quite realistic "hack and slash" games. Possibly, the most enjoyable aspect of writing Zork was designing the other characters the player may encounter. Zork contains various other actors, including a troll, a thief, a wizard, various monsters and friendly gnomes, and a beautiful princess. Some of these are pretty simple. The troll is basically an obstacle. He doesn't move but merely bars the way and must be defeated by force of arms. The thief, on the other hand, is embodied by a complex program. After a while, he begins to take on a personality of his own: the slightly down-at-the-heels younger son of a noble family, perhaps. He is cultivated but has a rather nasty sense of humor. For example, his idea of fun is to foul up the standard Adventure maze-mapping technique of identifying rooms by dropping objects in them. When he finds a player doing that, he will wander around switching objects, no doubt chuckling all the while:
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Some actions of the thief are motivated by the characterization; he is unlikely to kill you during a fight if he knocks your weapon out of your hand - too well bred. On the other hand, maybe his thiefly reflexes will get the better of him. .. Many of the thief's actions are motivated by simple probability. There is a certain chance he will stop in any room while roaming around, a certain probability that he will steal any particular object (high for treasures, of course), and a probability that he will decide to attack the player. His behavior, nonetheless, can seem very realistic: Sometimes he seems to dog the player, who no sooner finds a treasure than the thief filches it. There is a rich range of possibilities in producing games in which characters in the story (other than the player) act more like real people and less iike monsters or one-dimensional villains. But the simulation of human behavior is still an unsolved problem in the field of artificial intelligence. The best approximations to date have been the classic simulations of a nondirective psychotherapist (Weizenbaum's Eliza) and of a psychotic paranoid (Colby's Parry). But even they would not make very interesting characters in a story. (These two curious beings actually met once, as recorded in "Parry Encounters the Doctor" by Vinton Cerf, in Datamation, July 1973.) There are other, more mundane areas in which Zork could be extended. For example, take a simple concept like clothing. If the player can reference his clothing (or even a magic ring he might be wearing) some interesting questions arise. Is there a distinction between wearing something and carrying something? Probably, because when the player says "drop all," he probably doesn't mean to include his clothes. Also. the existence of clothes probably means the definition of many parts of the body. You could take this to extremes:
>INVENTORY Of course, if you implement clothes, there might as well be pockets, and backpacks, and other "different" sorts of containers. It would have to be defined whether the player can reference things inside them (what if the flap of the backpack is closed, for example?). What happens if he falls into a lake? Do the clothes drag him down? What about wearing a suit of arrnor? Clothes probably need a weight or need to produce a fatigue effect on the player. The mention of falling into a lake brings up another possible extension to Zork. Currently players aren't allowed to swim. One reason was to avoid the problems associated with the player's belongings dragging him under. Another is the question of what happens to his belongings. Do they get wet? If so, do they ever dry out again? What about wet matches (to give one example)? Is wet paper still burnable? How long can the player swim? Can he hold his breath and swim underwater? There are any number of questions that have to be considered if such a feature is to be implemented. Even the addition of a run-of-the-mill object can produce complications. In early versions of Zork, the troll's axe disappeared when he was killed. We finally decided to let the player recover it, as advances in Zork weapons technology removed the reason for destroying it. Unfortunately, we didn't think it through. One of our best play testers, on hearing that "you can finally get the axe," immediately said, "Great, I'm going to go up to the forest and chop down some trees." Oops. We never thought of that, not to mention using the axe to chop through doors, split timbers, and any number of other commonplace uses for something we were thinking of strictly as a weapon. The authors of Zork have thought about several possible extensions to the Zork parser. One that has come up many times is to add adverbs. A player should be able to do the following:
>GO NORTH QUIETLY The problem is to think of reasons why you would not do everything "quietly," "carefully." or whatever. Perhaps there should be time and fatigue penalties for doing things in a nonstandard way: >SEARCH WALL CAREFULLY This would take a long time (and all the while the lamp is burning down), possibly tiring the player out. To be fair to the player, he should not need to search every wall carefully, or walk quietly everywhere. There should be reasonable clues or hints as to why and where he should do such things. This long discussion of the problems of extending Zork is not intended to scare anyone (including the authors of the game). The idea is to show that apparently simple extensions to the game have their nonobvious ramifications. Of course, it would be simple to ignore them, but we think that the authors of a game should play fair with the players. Just as it's disappointing to see the wires holding up Flash Gordon's spaceship, it's disappointing to see:
>PUT RING ON FINGER We authors would hardly claim that Zork is perfect in this respect, but we have made an effort in that direction. When we add something new, we try to think of how the player might try to use it and what verbs he might try to apply to it. Within the space available, we've tried to put most of those things in. All the CFS games that I have encountered are similar in one major respect: they are about problem solving and the acquisition of treasure. This is probably because a structure containing problems and rewards is obvious and easy to implement, It is possible to imagine games in which the goals are different. Some programmers in southern California have designed a game in which the moral choices the player makes have a significant impact on the game. For example, does the player give an old man some water? Similarly, the problem-solving idea could be shifted into something closer to scientific research. The player could be introduced into an environment where he performs experiments, ponders the results, and ultimately gains understanding and control of that environment. Innovations in form as well as content are possible. There are already CFS games that try to give the player a graphic view of his surroundings. As microcomputer technology advances, this will become more common, and the renditions will achieve higher quality: it will be technically feasible to have a CFS game "illustrated" by Frank Frazetta or Jeff Jones. On the other hand, the player's imagination probably has a more detailed picture of the Great Underground Empire than could ever be drawn. I can even recall discussions among the game's implementors over who should play the thief in the movie version. Another area where experimentation is going on is that of multiplayer CFS games. Each player (possibly not even aware how many others are playing) would see only his own view of the territory. He would be notified when other players enter or leave the room, and could talk to them. There was briefly a multiplayer version of the PDP-10 Zork several years ago, and today there is a "Multiple User Dungeon" at Essex University in England. There are major problems, however. One is producing problems that are compatible with different numbers of players (from one to, say, a dozen). If it takes five players to solve a problem (one to hold the light bulb and four to turn the ladder?), what happens if only two people are playing? The other problem, as far as the microcomputer owner is concerned, is that few can afford an unlimited number of machines or even video monitors to accommodate so many players. CFS games as an art form can continue to grow as long as their medium continues to grow. Zork is already con- stricted by the size of today's microprocessors (it was large even on the PDP-10), but the new generations of 16- and 32-bit machines offer the opportunity of enormous further growth. The possibilities of new concepts new milieux, and new purposes are enormous. We would like to think that it will not be long before authors view such scenarios as just another medium of expression. I find the prospect exciting because I enjoy playing CFS games as much as writing them. |
21st January 1999: zorkfcfs.htm |