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  • noun The quality in a MUA of having detail; sometimes referred to as sophistication. Informally, it is the extent to which the MUA models its world, the implication being that the closer it is to the real world then the greater its depth (but see unrealistic). Unless there is an advertised reason why not, dropping a glass on a hard surface "should" break it; dropping it on a soft surface "shouldn't"; placing a box inside a larger sack "should" be allowed, unless the sack is itself inside the box, when it "shouldn't". Formally, if breadth reflects how many opportunities players have to change the world, depth reflects how much change individual opportunities effect.

    Depth is considered a Good Thing, but only if it is discreet: players like being surprised when mobiles are sensible about which object to use as a weapon, but they don't like being asked over which joint of which finger they want a ring to be placed. Depth is best when unobtrusive. Compare breadth, see selective depth.

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23rd September 1999: depth.htm