jump Thumbnail


  1. verb/0 The 'jump' directional command.
  2. verb/1 To ambush someone, normally from the point of view of the victim. "If you're thinking of jumping me in the hut, forget it!". 'Ambush' or 'hit' would perhaps be used by the attacker, as such terms imply that the deed has been planned and executed meticulously; victims tend not to prefer attributing such deviousness to their opponent... See pop, whack, PP.
  3. verb/0 In MUD1, where resets can co-exist simultaneously, to leave one reset prematurely in the hope of getting into a fresh reset ahead of everyone else. Someone who does this is a jumper.

Copyright © Multi-User Entertainment Ltd. (muse@mud.co.uk)
23rd September 1999: jump.htm