- verb/1/2 The abbreviated form of the 'kill' command.
When used non-imperatively, it may imply the death death of the
victim, rather than merely an attack on them. As with most
abbreviations of non-directional commands, k will often be
capitalised when constructing other tenses, eg. "I Ked the v
last night - what a fight!".
- noun Abbreviation for 'thousands of points'. "I'm 2k
short of necro now". In computing science, a lower case 'k' is
the proper usage for units of a thousand, however MUD2
players do quite often ignore this and
capitalise it (although comapre sense 3). See exp,
xp, pt, EP.
- noun Abbreviation for '1024s of points', in the usual
computer-related sense. "What people fail to realise when they
first reach mage is that they still need 100K to make wiz". In
computing science, an upper case 'K' is the proper usage for units of
2 to the power of 10,
however MUD2 players do
quite often ignore this and decapitalise it (although compare sense 2).
See exp,
xp, pt, EP.
- interjection Short for "OK", ie. "yes".
Compare s'ok.