- verb/0 To communicate game-specific information with someone in the
real world while both are
also playing in the game; by extension, playing two or more personae at the same time. Multi-lining is usually
illegal in MUAs. It's OK to be in the same real-world room as another player, or indeed to play two personae personally, so long as all game-related
communication goes through the game. For example,
if Fred gets attacked, then suddenly from out of nowhere Joe comes to his aid
without either of them uttering a word, it's a fair bet that in a room
somewhere in the real world the player playing Fred
is screaming at the player playing Joe for help. If
Fred had shouted in the game, though, it would have
been acceptable. Basically, if someone snooping can
tell you're multi-lining, you are, and if they can't you're not..! Note that
all out-of-game communication while playing counts as multi-lining - people
have even been caught using CB radio to cheat this way! The reason
multi-lining is outlawed is because it gives a huge advantage to the players who are doing it: multi-lining
killing teams can
off virtually anyone acting alone, and certainly make the game
unplayable. Sometimes, observant wizzes may think they
see multi-lining when it's not there; it might be that you have arranged prior
to playing that you will meet someone in a certain room
at a particular time, or you've agreed on a system of hidden meanings to
stylised phrases (like bidding systems in Bridge). If you try any of these
tricks, don't be surprised if you get hassled,