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  1. verb/0 What your persona does when either your stamina drops to 0 or you do something stupid enough to warrant a slap on the wrist from the game. Normally, whether you are dead or dead dead will be clear from the context, but sometimes the term is modified to make ambiguities clear. "Jojo the warlock died dead dead last night, but I don't know who to thank". On rare occasions, die die is used equivalently.
  2. imperative One of the few sentences killers feel able to utter when they are hacking someone. That they have risen above the primitive mind soup of base instincts which characterises hack mode for long enough to waste a command on you can only mean one of two things: (a) you are losing by quite a margin; (b) the killer is losing but wants you to believe (a). See HAHAHA.
  3. noun The 'die', an object in MUD. If you roll it, Strange (but not entirely unexpected) Things will occur.

Copyright © Multi-User Entertainment Ltd. (muse@mud.co.uk)
23rd September 1999: die.htm