- noun A player who gets most fun out of communicating with
other players. Usually, socialisers are extrovert, although
many dedicated snoopers are introvert socialisers. Socialisers
would be quite happy in a normal chat program, but they prefer
MUAs because the structured nature of such environments
provides both a topic of conversation and the capacity to role-play. Incurable
socialisers will often affect attention-seeking
behaviour on the grounds that it is role-playing, although it
may be little more than the consistent use of some cute verbal
mannerism like thpeaking with a lithp, or the interlocution of
grandiloquent divertissements of the vernacular. Most players
like to socialise some of the time, but permanent socialisers
can be a tiresome demand on your attention when you're out
bashing dwarfs or whatever. It's no coincidence that
socialisers are sometimes referred to as blouses. Socialisers are more
concerned with players than the game, and are passive in that
they enjoy conversation with them rather than actively doing
things to them. See explorer, killer, T-hunter, HCDS.